Sunday, June 7, 2009

Idiot of the month! :=)

[2009/06/06 21:35] Johnathan Lectar: why hello there
[2009/06/06 21:35] Anabella Spark: why what
[2009/06/06 21:35] Johnathan Lectar: you avatar is quite stunning
[2009/06/06 21:35] Anabella Spark: thanks
[2009/06/06 21:36] Johnathan Lectar: so you're the owner huh?
[2009/06/06 21:36] Anabella Spark: yes
[2009/06/06 21:36] Johnathan Lectar: great place you got here
[2009/06/06 21:37] Anabella Spark: thnx
[2009/06/06 21:37] Johnathan Lectar: does your tip jar happen to read 10,000?
[2009/06/06 21:38] Anabella Spark: yes
[2009/06/06 21:38] Anabella Spark: want to make it bigger?
[2009/06/06 21:39] Johnathan Lectar: as much as i would love to help you make more money, i'd have to say no thanks, i don't have any money to give away.
[2009/06/06 21:41] Johnathan Lectar: hoow much do you usually make in a day, may i ask?
[2009/06/06 21:42] Johnathan Lectar: how
[2009/06/06 21:42] Anabella Spark: tip and I will tell you
[2009/06/06 21:43] Johnathan Lectar: nevermind, i'm really not that interested in knowing
[2009/06/06 21:43] Johnathan Lectar: must be alot though
[2009/06/06 21:43] Anabella Spark: you are boring
[2009/06/06 21:44] Johnathan Lectar: you're funny
[2009/06/06 21:44] Johnathan Lectar: do you do stand up
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[21:45] Johnathan Lectar: you little jerk ass bitch!

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