Sunday, September 28, 2008

Candy for real fetishists!

Hope you love my ultra fetish outfit. This is candy for real fetishists. :) Outfit like that motivated my old slaves, however some very interesting new guys showed up!
Let's start with new people! Aaron came up with idea of sending L$10 000! I love such brilliant ideas lol, he did that while visiting my Temple...BTW: I moved the temple out of Plaitnum Escort Club to another island! why? So I can have more prims there and finally you can teleport to the temple through search engine, it's so easy to find just type Temple of Goddess Anabella:). Additionally you can create landmark while you are there. This is important because now you can teleport directly to the building not to the club like it used to be!
Same thing happened to HypnoMist! I created huge store with all my hypno trances and you can find them by typing HypnoMist in the search engine in SL. So it's much easier to find my hypno store and temple, you don't need to go through my club:) And talking about the club... We are doing absolutely great! I spent over $L6000 on animations for new dance tables! Really hot! And the most funny thing is... champagne! You can see my girls dancing directly in the glass full of champagne! Wow! Only at Platinum Escort Club :)

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