Monday, November 19, 2012

Can you resist this?

I don't think so :) Contact me in SL (Anabella Spark) with money in your mouth

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One picture that will make you pay

Welcome slaves :) are you ready to spoil me? You know how to contact me in SL : Anabella Spark 

Monday, May 28, 2012

some old tributes : lilian 14 000L
Lola W. - 2500

and some new: 33 000L from a loser who says he is just a poor student.. well I guess his fridge is going to be empty now :) I'm richer you are poorer - this is how it works
see you in SL dumbasses
Anabella Spark

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Things I want you to by for me <--- item bought by Lola on march 30,2012 <--- item bought by Lola on march 30,2012

Use option buy as gift and send to Anabella Spark or contact me in SL.

PS: Remember that old rich loser who lost his mind because of me?

It's him a few months ago... our first meeting on his sim and in front of his yacht...

And here is him today. I have taken more than just his business and money. He lost all and now finally ready to be exposed. He started with savings, successful life, a lot of lindens $$, he never had to upload money to SL. Right now this pathetic loser can't even afford to buy clothes and need to use credit card to buy lindens $$ in SL to satisfy me. at the same time he's sinking deeper in debts in real life. But he is happy because he serves ME!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hard whipping coming soon! [VOTE]

There is a slave who is going to recieve a very hard whipping and canning. I will take photos and videos of the punishment. What would you like me to wear during the session? Vote in the poll on the right side!