Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My first (and last) SL car

During the weekend I was spending your money at Merceded Island. Nice place, and the most important thing is that it's really designed by Mercedes. So I got a car :) This is my first SL car and was very cheap just 1500L. I wanted to buy like 7 each in differet color, but it wouldn't make sense because you get a hud with this car and you can change the color lol.
So now you can see my latest photo session with my first (and last) SL car :)
Of course I wouldn't be myself without being spoiled. I find it so easy to just take what belongs to me from your wallets:

slave jon - L$3000

andy - L$500, 400, 500, 1000, 2500, 1000,

total of: L$5900 in 45 minutes haha

sissy martin - $L700 (thats not enough !!! I want more loser!)

ah do you remember that mysterious yourPayPiGGy using alt avie? well.. this slave is back and he's begging for blackmail. I got all his info including his SL password to his first SL account. He wasn't joking, he really owns stores in SL! I guess this blackmailed idiot will need to pay % of his income every week :) Now you really need to take care of your stupid business piggy or else... His first task was to deliver L$10 000 to me ASAP. Of course he paid:) Should I use him again this week? *giggles

IMPORTANT:There are still 4 bills to pay! You all better go to my Temple and adopt the rest of the bills!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rest of the pics to make you drool:

and little surprise! I love this :

Saturday, January 26, 2008

L$45978 (yes! over 45K) from Cheryl !!! NEW RECORD

One of the most crazy weeks so far for me. All my bills got adopted and I got many IMs begging me to give you more bills to pay. Haha! I didn't expect that, but you all went crazy about paying for my stuff. So as some of you predicted I decided to give you more chances to spoil me and added some of the bills, they are ready for you to pay! There are several slaves right now who are very addicted to me. You know who you are! I want everybody who read this blog to feel the same way. Don't be shy and meet me in SL. You can't stop thinking about me. Don't fight it.

Let's start from the beginning.. the bills... alright here is the most recent list, but remember you can always go to my Temple and check the status of the bills, it is very easy to pay the box. You just click 'Pay' :) ah.. but you already know that.

Rent - $L3750/week - ***ADOPTED by Zirg

Clothes - $L1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Strawgaryfields

Latex/Leather Clothes - $L1000/week - *** ADOPTED by Danni

Sexy Belts - $1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Mike

Boots/Shoes - L$1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Zanander

Hair Styles - L$500/week - ***ADOPTED by Doc

Jewelry - L$1500/week - ***ADOPTED by Zanander

Bra/Panty - L$1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Cheryl

Bikini - L$1000/week - *** ADOPTED by Doc

Corsets - L$1500/week - <<<<<<<< style="text-align: center;">Latest tributes:

danni L$1,000 - so sorry you crashed. I hope to see you again soon

L$1,000, L$1,500 zanander - I think it is time to finally meet you! lol I didnt even see you yet! But thats what I like, the real paypig shouldnt waste too much time of her Goddess!:) But in this case I guess it's time difference :(

Strawgary : this is a real cock sucking idiot! and I mean it! Look what he did in my club in front of other people:

yes thats what you think! hes sucking his own cock. I'm sorry to put nasty things like that here but it is sooo funny!:)

but thats nothing yet... look at his size!:

no comments! just big ROFL

Strawgary's tributes : :L$500,L$1000, L$1000,L$2000,L$1000,L$1000
now some yummy stuff for all fetishists:

do you like it?:) contact me and tell me about it:)

The long almost 3 hour session with Cheryl. It was forced intoxication session! She got very drunk and wanted to play pay per stroke game:) haha. After sucking my dildo she would do anything to please me. She is really a great pay pig. this is what she sent: L$4000,L$978, L$5000, L$5000, L$1000, L$10000 (yes thats ten thousands!), L$10000, L$10000

Once we start to play pay per stroke game, and this drunk sissy had to play with her little dick..the real fun started. 5 thousand lindens was like 30 strokes.The total money I managed to get out of her today was:

L$45978 !!

thats a new record!!

me and cheryl *giggles
and this is how my account looks like after cheryl's tribute, I will spend that fast so I had to take picture of it lol (click the picture to enlarge and look at my lindens:P)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

only three bills left!

Anyone who wish to adpot my bill must hurry. Today my internet bill L$4000/week was adopted by Mike. He paid for 4 weeks which is $L16000. + he paid $L2500 in tips while I was dancing.

So right now there are only three bills left:

Latex/Leather Clothes - $L1000/week -
Sexy Belts - $1000/week -
Jewelry - L$1500/week -

Hurry up! pay pigs!!

Sissy Zirg paid rent bill today again, but this time for 27 days which is $L11250 :)) wwhoa!

Her last tribute in the donation box was L$1550. which resulted in nice number on the box $L100k :) of course I took much much more from your slaves! this are just tributes given directly to the donation box in the temple and only since the temple was established :)

Another one who paid tribute was Zanander - L$500. (same one who adpoted a bill! however I didnt see him yet! lol I hope to meet him one day *giggles)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Groups merged to one!

I decided to merge all my groups into one. It is much easier for everyone because you can get important notices in one place. And since SecondLife doesnt allow more than 25 groups, a lot of people had problems with joining more than one group when they have different fetishes. Now there everything is under one roof:)
Just join: Temple Of Goddess Anabella Spark.


It appears that adopting my bills is so popular now:) Here are the most recent info about bills, I made some changes and added/removed some of the bills.

Rent - $L3750/week - ***ADOPTED by Zirg

Clothes - $L1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Strawgaryfields

Latex/Leather Clothes - $L1000/week -

Sexy Belts - $1000/week -

Boots/Shoes - L$1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Zannander

Hair Styles - L$500/week - ***ADOPTED by Doc

Jewelry - L$1500/week -

Bra/Panty - L$1000/week - ***ADOPTED by Cheryl

Internet Bill (RL) - $L4000/week -

L$5000 from Seamus and 3000L after fucking his ass with my extra large dildo :)

$L5500 from sleort - the part of tribute was the 60 min session. as always this slave knows how to please a Lady

Phase Two: Attach the chain and make them pay

UPDATE: New Bills adopted ! :)

It is time to introduce the next step of my evil plan! This is important day in SL. I'm taking over this little word prim by prim:). Very soon I will become the ultimate ruler :) ok.. let's get on the ground now.. This is the new way to spoil your Goddess, but this time it gets more serious. You can adopt one of my bills! In order to learn how to do it. Just visit my temple! (link on my profile in the Picks)
Here is the list of my current bills:

Rent - $L3750/week - ***ADOPTED by Zirg

Clothes - $L1000/week -***ADOPTED Strawgaryfields

Fetish CLothes - $L2000/week -

Boots/Shoes - L$1000/week -

Hair Styles - L$500/week - ***ADOPTED Doc

Jewlery - L$1500/week -

Bra/Panty - L$1000/week -

Internet Bill (RL) - L$4000/week


Guess who's back? Zirg F. ! Yep.. This little pay piggie left SL two months ago! Without saying a word! I got really pissed off at him, she could at least say somethnig. The best thing is that losers like that ALWAYS crawl back ! haha.. I didnt even want to speak with her, however this sissy is good when it comes to begging: $L1000, $L5000 and...another $L5000 ..all of this in just 30 min! well since she really understood her mistake; I decided to give her a chance and be the first slave to adopt my bill. Since she was paying my rent at the old place long time ago, she is the lucky one to adopt rent bill for my club which is $L3750 per week! She already paid that and she's going to do that every week! If she fails - I'm gonna press my 'mute' button.
The total amount out of her wallet yesterday: $L14750 !!
*UPDATE: L$750 today from sissy zirg :)


$L2500 from drunk Lester. This forced intoxication session didnt go very well since this idiot LEFT without permission, after that he came back beggin for more. Total disaster! He is a loser of a week and such a coward (psst. I have some sensitive info about him and his wife, that's why he is sooooo pissed off. LOL & ROFL )


L$4500 from Cheryl since Jan 17! Maybe it is time to adopt one or my bills? On the other hand, I totally understand you - there is nothing better than giving your cash after praying in my temple. Kisses!

Rook paid $L500 ,, but that wasnt enough to even be in my presence! After he added $L1500 , he was allowed to worship my boots. You want more? Better come naked next time ! haha


Sissy Danni is back! :) unfortunately the bitch crashed :( however I got $L500 :P

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm back!

Finally, I am back! Here I am again updating the most controversial blog in Second Life. This place is like a sum of all fears for some of you. For the rest of you - it's your addiction. I wasn't able to post anything since Christmas because I was really busy revamping my club. Actually, the building and location is brand new. So you better visit Platinum Escort Club everyday, maybe you will have a chance to see me there, if you are lucky of course. So I was really busy and ignored some of your IMs. Actually, I ignored all the IMs which you sent and forgot to include little tribute. HaHa. That's what you poor losers get and let's face it: You deserved to be treated like that! You love it anyway so who cares? It's not like you are going to walk away. You will be waiting there for me on your knees, and begging your Goddess just to spit on you! You are so pathetic, however some of you really know how to make Goddess happy! I was really surprised by some of you! Let's start with the biggest loser of January. I will not even make his name public because I heard that some of other chicks in SL try to IM my slaves and ask them for money! They try to take and use my PROPERTY! You can't afford your own paypigs or what?! HAHA. Anyway..this little bastard was sooo pathetic and unfortunately I was really busy with a construction, when I start to make updates in the club I hate to get some stupid messages from complete strangers. My own slaves can always contact me, but when you are new, you are in trouble, especially when I am busy! And busy really means BUSY! So this little fag begged for 30 minutes for a session. Of course, I ignored him completely...haha really bad luck for him. But I got really mad after he proposed to be on my friend list. Come on, you dont do stuff like that without asking first! He was so desperate and ask how much would it cost him to be on my friends' list. If you ask question like that you must be really careful. Mostly it doesnt cost at all, to be on my list, because there are only my friends and slaves, and usually I decide if I want you there. However, if you are asking for it, and I don't even know you, then you are in trouble! Little 'yourPayPiggy' got his wallet raping session and got drained for L$22 570!!! That's the record I think.. 22k in two hours session! And the most interesting thing is that this paypig owns a store, so I hope his business will be a success! I would love to give you LM to the store, but my piggy wants to remain anonymous :) I guess he doesn't know what a great free advertisement campaign this could be:) ..well 'almost' free one:) The second cute thing is this little picture he made for me:
Oh, btw: the new club is really big :D

One of my greatest slaves. The total addict. Complete zombie. Sissy whore and slut :) whatever you call her. She is always there for her GODDESS! You should ALL learn from this little pink addicted sissy! Of course it's hypnoslave. once she goes under trance there is no way to stop the destruction, humiliation, degradation, wallet raping and so on. My blog update was on Dec 27th, so starting from Dec 28, 2007 to Jan 17, 2008. This little one sent the following tributes:
9 x 1000L and 20 x 500L
which is equal to: $L19 000 (!!!)
Mostly or rather all of that was sent by her during a hypno trance, which means she is not even aware of the amount shes sending lol. I drain her almost every day, she is so weak. Her mind is completely destroyed by my intensive trances. I own this slut completely! But still.. she always surprise me! Today I received really nice gift:) The picture on your left was taken by
hypnoslave. It is really hard to impress me, but this time hypo did a GREAT work.

Here is another one:

It looks like I am so lucky in 2008 and more of my slaves are really becoming good boys and girls. Let's take a look at Cherylyl. I didn't see her for a month, and she does what I told her long time ago. She goes to my Temple and prays. Prays. Prays. and then pays:)) ROFL. Of course the most exciting part is the pay part and I'm sure she'd agree with me! cheryl is an example of a good slave, because she does not take a lot of time of her Goddess, she just does what she needs to do, what she really loves! Which is taking the path to total submission and obedience. She is tributing very well: $L2000, $L1500, L$1000, $L5000 , so the total of: $L9500
Thats a good result! This definitely moves you forward into another phase of submission and obedience. I hope to see you this weekend :)

Standford is a good girl as well, she was completely broke, but was able to manage to earn some money as a prostitute, because her desire to spoil me was too strong. And here we go: L$1500

Last time sissy danii's tribute was L$1500, and it was two weeks ago. I hope you come back to SL this weekend :)

Other tributes:

Lester - 8000L - this is a result of Forced Intoxication session. He was too drunk to thing and I emptied his wallet step by step or I should rather say 1000 by 1000:)

slave jon - $11000 in the last two weeks. I know you can do better than that!

Sam - L$2000
andy - $L1500
Jim - L$1000
Vince - L$1000
Doc - L$1000 (good start:) should I write your last name? haha)
DDom - $L800
john - $L650
pig4ana - L$800,L$650